Best Rate Guarantee

If you find a lower, publicly available rate on another website for the same hotel accommodation and date, we'll match the competing rate plus give you a free upgrade (if available).*

For further information or to book, please call The Viscount Gort Hotel Reservation Line.


We will GUARANTEE you get the best rate.

*The lower rate must be published to the general public (subscriptions to website or direct marketing do not apply) and it must be no more than 24 hours since you found the rate. Rate match must be for the same room type, number of people and dates. Other discounts do not apply. The free upgrade is based on availability and not a guarantee. To receive the lower rate guarantee, The Viscount Gort Hotel will process the first night of your stay on the credit card used to reserve. The room cannot be canceled without penalty. The Viscount Gort Hotel reserves the right to change the policy of the guarantee at anytime and can refuse specific price matches if they feel they do not apply. Not valid on blackout dates or Holidays.

**A valid credit card or deposit is required upon check in**

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